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Monday, January 26, 2015

#BodyPositive January Roundup!

I enjoy using Instagram for a multitude of reasons and one of them is to share the progress I have made in the last few years in loving myself, and my body. At least a few times I month, I use the hashtag "#BodyPositive" and I find myself exploring other users who have done the same.

A few weeks ago I decided that the images and thoughts I come across from other users (women, in particular) who are sharing body positive messages deserve special attention in my blog! I've decided to start a monthly mashup of #BodyPositive images from Instagram, and those images will also be organized in to an album for the month on my account.

I hope you are as inspired by it as I am. <3

See the whole #BodyPositive album for January 2015 here, or keep reading below to see all the images and captions (including my own)! 

Please note that I have obtained permission from all Instagram users to highlight their photos in this post, and quote them. I do not claim the rights to any of these photos. Clicking on any image will direct you to that user.



"Before I start please excuse the pajamas. This is my body. My fat. I'm sick of feeling so ugly because of it and this year, I'm not going to hate myself, I'm going to love myself. The fat on my body doesn't define who I am. I'm beautiful and so much better than the people who shoot me down because of my body. This is a huge step for me,showing my stomach but it's the way forward. I'm Helen and I'm 'fat' #fat #plussize #curves #strong #bodypositive."



"There is a saying that a girl without freckles is like a night without stars ... so my face must be a galaxy! #stonerthoughts #freckledfaces #bodypositive #theyusetohatethem #nowtheychasethem."



"Workin' on these calves, son. My goal is to run faster and crush bad guys with my legs. #bodypositive."


"My hangover isn't so bad when I think about how cute my outfit was last night. #BodyPositive."


"love yo selves ✌️ #bodypositive."


'"To love yourself as you are is a miracle, and to seek yourself is to have found yourself. for now. And now is all that we have. And love is who we are." - Anne Lamott #BodyPositive.'


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is awesome, thanks so much for including me in this post with all the other amazing women! I'm so grateful! <3 <3

    1. You are very welcome Kate, and adorable outfit, by the way. =)


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